New Case Study: Communication Improved at Jackson-Madison County

Ridgefield, NJ - November 29, 2023:  Communication can always be complex, particularly inside a hospital when patients need to be passed between so many different team members. This creates room for miscommunication and errors between healthcare teams, when a patient’s information isn’t stored and shared accurately. 

This was the case for Jackson-Madison County Hospital in Jackson, Tennessee. With outdated systems and processes, there was a large amount of wasted time going back and forth for each patient, resulting in frustrated patients, higher wait times, and burnt out staff. And without proper documentation around each patient, going back to review specific patient cases was a big challenge. 

Hear from Jackson-Madison County’s Executive Director of Heart and Vascular

“To put it into perspective, it was only a few years ago that we were back in the stone age using pagers. We’re in rural West Tennessee and a lot of the time our teams didn’t even receive the page. We were further wasting resources calling team members after the face to make sure everyone received the correct page” - Dallas Griggs, Executive Director of Heart and Vascular

Jackson-Madison implemented GD’s Solution Suite to streamline all hospital communication in one system and make the lives of their patients and staff easier. Now their teams are always prepared for each patient, before they come through the door and staff members are able to focus on providing excellent patient care, instead of playing telephone with patient information and clearing up miscommunications. 

Download the Case Study to learn more about the ROI Jackson-Medical have found with better communication. 

About GD (General Devices)

GD is a Healthtech company specializing in communication solutions that help EMS and hospitals deliver simply seamless patient care. Powered by responsive innovation, GD’s user-friendly solutions facilitate rapid, secure, voice, telehealth and data sharing communications across care teams to help save time, money and lives. Backed by a 40+ year history and thousands of implementations, GD is an experienced industry leader. Visit to learn more. 


Media Contact: 

Alessia Ambrosino


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