A Note from General Devices CEO, Curt Bashford

It’s about you, not me, and I’d like to learn more about you.  Yes you, our industry’s thought leaders. You, our clients, the hospital and EMS/Fire healthcare providers that use General Devices responsive innovations to, as our core purpose states, “improve the health and well-being of the public at large”. 

So, let’s experience share!  I’ll go first.  If you don’t already know me, I’m Curt Bashford and I am the CEO at General Devices – “GD” as we call it.  Atypical by today’s standards, GD is my forever job.  I started during my senior year of undergrad engineering in 1986 and have been here ever since.  I guess I was lucky enough to have had the company founders, Michael and Rhea Smith, believe in me and give me the opportunity to grow personally and professionally with them.  Best of all, through GD I got to combine both my engineering and EMS experience to create technology that helps save lives. How’s that for core purpose alignment?  

Fast forward, myself and my partners Greg Lowe and Bin Zhu, GD lifers themselves, took the company over in 2011 and we have not looked back since.  Talk about a pivot!  Transitioning into the business role took a lot of learning aided by experience shared from many others smarter than I.  Luck is what happens when hard work and opportunity intersect.  As a company you could say that with the exceptional people at Team GD, we have been very lucky.  After all, we get to help the over 500 hospitals and thousands of connected EMS/Fire organizations touch the lives of over 15,000 patients every day.

Enough about me (you can see more in this video).  I want to learn more about you.  What’s your story, what’s your core purpose?  What’s your experience share? Drop me an email, connect on LinkedIn or give me a call.

Be smart, get smarter,

Curt Bashford

CEO & Purveyor of Dad Jokes, Mobile Telemedicine, Telehealth and EMS Communications

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