Cardiologist Benefits from Telehealth

Cardiologist Benefits from GD Telehealth Solutions

Cardiologists are responsible for what happens in the Cardiac department of the Hospital. This includes making decisions for their teams such as

  • Whether to activate the CATH lab for a patient or not
  • What patient should remain in the cardiac unit
  • What patient can be discharged
  • Determine whether a patient needs surgery or not
  • Deciding a surgery time for emergency procedures

If any of these decisions are made incorrectly there can be severe consequences. According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, “Patients with acute MI mistakenly discharged from the ED have almost double the risk of mortality compared with those who are hospitalized. On the other hand, prolonged assessment of all patients who present to the ED with chest pain is costly and associated with ED overcrowding”.

In order to make a well-educated decision, Cardiologists need to have access to accurate, real time patient data. They need a telehealth solution with the ability to consolidate and standardize all patient data in one secure place.


They need GD Telehealth Solutions.


With GD Telehealth Solutions, Cardiologists can

  • Access all incoming patient diagnostic and treatment data including clear 12- Lead ECGs from any system
  • Take part in online medical direction, via teleconferencing, from when medical contact is first made on scene. This allows the Cardiologist to make an informed decision on treatment prior to the patient arriving to the hospital.
  • Review patient case data to determine whether the patient needs further treatment or can be discharged
  • Communicate with team members to determine surgical needs such as available times, necessary members and tools.

This type of accurate data reduces door to treatment times, reduces false lab activations by an average of 20% and improve overall quality of hospital processes and workflows.

Let’s power our Cardiologists with all the data they need to make informed, accurate decisions.


About GD
GD enables smarter patient care by empowering hospitals, EMS, community healthcare and public safety with the most comprehensive, interactive, configurable, affordable, and integrated FDA listed medical communication and mobile telemedicine solutions. The benefits of which are enhanced workflows, minimized risk, reduced costs and improved patient outcomes. Learn more at

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