eBook: Improving Acute Patient Outcomes in Stroke, STEMI, and Trauma Care

Learn more about reducing the time-to-treatment gap with GD’s telehealth solutions in our Improving Acute Patient Outcomes eBook.

Patients suffering from a sudden stroke, an ST-Elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), or trauma after an incident such as a car accident must get proper medical care as quickly as possible.

To make this happen, first responders must begin by recognizing symptoms, getting the proper emergency care on-site, communicating in real-time with the acute care specialists, and rapidly transporting the patient to the hospital.

Anything that shortens the time-to-treatment — the gap between a first responder reaching the patient and care being applied — increases the chances of a full recovery.

Download the Telehealth Solutions for Improving Acute Patient Outcomes eBook here.

For more information on Acute Care Telehealth Solutions and to learn more together, please contact us. 

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