Quality and Process Improvement Manager Benefits from Telehealth

The Quality and Process Improvement Manager is always looking for room to improve in the ever-changing industry of healthcare. Maybe they can stand to shave a minute or two off your door to needle time; maybe their notification response time could use a little boost; perhaps their EMS call flow could be flowing a bit more efficiently.


Tasked with managing quality improvement projects and ensuring the highest quality of patient care, the Quality and Process improvement Manager needs to employ a solution that can “do it all”. They need something that can create and store performance reports and notifications. They need a tool to assess EMS call flow and door to needle time. They need a tool that gives hospital staff access to everything they need to ensure top quality patient care.


They need GD Telehealth Solutions.


At the 52nd Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences in 2019, findings related to the connection between telehealth adoption and ED efficiency were presented, and they spoke volumes. According to the results of a large dataset of New York State, researchers found that “ED telemedicine adoption significantly reduces patients’ length of stay by 15.3% and waiting time by 9.6%”. They go on to state that, “Interestingly, the effect of telemedicine is larger…when the ED is at a higher occupancy level”. (Sun, et al, 2019)

As the Quality and Process Improvement Manager, you need a tool that can do it all – from one place.


You need GD Telehealth Solutions.


With GD Telehealth Solutions, you have everything you need at your fingertips…

  • Real – time Data
  • Triggers, Notifications & alerts to notify your team members of incoming patients, new events and relative data
  • Streamline, Document and time-stamp all pre-hospital and hospital communications
  • Consolidate all data for reports and program evaluations

Once the patient is discharged, the benefits continue…

  • System-wide reports on hospital performance to identify best practices and areas of weakness
  • Re-create patient cases for effective training and resolving disputes

With one system, GD Telehealth Solutions allows for standardized, streamlined reports; consolidation of forms and information; reduction of costs; and increase in productivity.


About GD (General Devices)

GD enables smarter patient care by empowering hospitals, EMS, community healthcare and public safety with the most comprehensive, interactive, configurable, affordable, and integrated FDA listed medical communication and mobile telemedicine solutions. The benefits of which are enhanced workflows, minimized risk, reduced costs and improved patient outcomes. Learn more at www.general-devices.com

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