STEMI Coordinator Benefits from Telehealth

STEMI Coordinator Benefits from GD Telehealth Solutions


A STEMI Coordinator is responsible for all components of a STEMI program. This includes organization, development, planning, management and evaluation of the program. The primary goal of this role is to enhance the quality of care delivered to STEMI patients.


With so many different aspects and responsibilities within their role, a STEMI coordinator should be able to consolidate and standardize their program procedures – as well as track data and metrics along the program.


A Telehealth Coordinator needs an all-in-one Telehealth Solution that allows them to maintain and track their STEMI program. With GD Telehealth Solutions a STEMI Coordinator can do just that, and more….

  • Consolidate and Standardize reports and procedures
  • Streamline Data transfers
  • Patient Data readily and accurately available
  • Secure Messaging and Alerts to team members
  • Configurable Workflows to follow standard program protocols

GD Telehealth Solutions arm the STEMI team with full, high quality reports from the field, allowing for labs, teams and hospital beds to be prepped for patient arrival. Workflow triggers can be set when a STEMI patient is en route, streamlining data flow from EMS to ED.


All data configured with GD Telehealth Solutions, along with all prehospital communication, is timestamped and securely stored for easy access and HIPAA compliance.


Once the patient is discharged, coordinators can use the securely stored data to review cases, obtain periodic reports, and monitor STEMI Program compliance with state and national regulation and guidelines.


Reports on STEMI care can be easily generated and reviewed, even remotely, anywhere, anytime. Data can be used to train hospital teams on proper communication, documentation and notification protocols. Communication between administration and staff is enhanced; collaboration and problem solving are heightened; and all pertinent patient data is consolidated to one central location.


As a STEMI coordinator, you’re in the business of making sure data is securely and readily available; teams are connected; and lives are saved. Let GD Telehealth Solutions give you the tools to do it all, from one place.


About GD (General Devices)

GD enables smarter patient care by empowering hospitals, EMS, community healthcare and public safety with the most comprehensive, interactive, configurable, affordable, and integrated FDA listed medical communication and mobile telemedicine solutions. The benefits of which are enhanced workflows, minimized risk, reduced costs and improved patient outcomes. Learn more at

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